Knife Throw

Knife Throw

Tags: Knife Games, Throw Games, Knife Throw 2, Knife Throw Hacked, Knife Throw Walkthrough, knife throw 2 knancys revenge, knife throw modern warfare 2

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Knife Throw Description: 

Now you can put anyone of them on the wheel and test your knife throwing skills. Now the wheel has 20 targets and your objective is to hit them in numeric order using all your twenty knives.
Becareful, if your aim is off and your dagger dents your assistant on the wheel, sharp blade of your knife might hurt him/her.

Your lovely assistant, Knancy Knife, is in a precarious position now! You can see, in this knife throw game, she's been tied to a rotating wheel, which also has 4 target spots placed in strategic areas about her. Your objective here is to hit these targets on the wheel by knife throwing before you run out of knives.

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